Sewing Thread Savers
These are also called, "beginners and enders", chargers, and perhaps a few other names. I love this tip and use it every day!. What are they? Little pieces of fabric that you begin and end stitching with at the beginning and end of your seams. I call them thread savers because they save your thread instead of pulling out 6 or more inches of thread, then cutting it, after you sew a seam, the little piece of fabric stays right under your presser foot. My tip is, I use the selveges from my fabric to use as thread savers. I make sure I have at least a 1 by 2 inch piece to fold in half to put under my presser foot. That is the only size you actually need. When the folded selvege piece is full of thread, just toss it in the trash. Actually, I toss it into my fabric recycle bag I save for use in stuffing things I make.